A Huge Thanks to our Sponsors and Benefactors

Steinlager 2 was blessed with a new main sail and we thank our long standing supporter Doyle Sails -this has been a game changer for us.  They have also serviced our sails on Lion NZ to be in good working order. A MASSIVE thank you to Auckland Maritime Foundation for funding Steiny’s new sail.

Kiwi Yachting were patient to work with us to get new tracks on Steinlager 2 deck.  It was a journey to get them into the country and we value Kiwi Yachting for standing by us. A heartfelt thank you to the Trillian Trust for funding this.

Our new 3D videos, made with See Thru Digital, “Bringing the physical world into the metaverse with Digital Twins” is new company providing specialist reality capture services and creating user-led experiences in the metaverse. www.seethrudigital.com (launching late March). Thank you to the continued support of the Trillian Trust in funding this new and exciting media.

See Steinlager 2’s video here.

And Lion New Zeand’s video here.

The wonderful Johnny Wrays provides our coffee (an absolute necessity for crew!).. recently he proudly showed us what someone had made from one of our old ropes! So fantastic to see the reuse and regeneration to something so beautiful!